“The biggest stress of all is trying to be who you are not”

-Gabor Mate


We live in a society of perfectionism and longing to live up to ideals. Whether that is an expectation of body image, particular emotions, or expression- you may find yourself in self-rejection when you don’t measure up.

Constantly aiming for ‘perfection’ is shame in disguise, the fundamental belief of not being enough as you are. If this page found you, there is a chance you may struggle with shame.

Shame is psychic fragmentation from an embodied state of wholeness, or coherent sense of self. It is the human condition of separating from unification with one’s intrinsic Divinity, or basic innocence- which is Love.

Self love is the anthesis to shame, yet for someone who has deep rooted shame in the subconscious, accepting all parts of self may be a process. Shame says, “I will love you once you are this way.” The heart and wholeness will always say, “You are enough exactly as you are.”

Shame often has a challenging time accepting this because it desires excellence, which is a natural human quality. There is a difference between striving to reach one’s highest potential and accepting oneself as they are in the moment. Psychologist Carl Roger states, “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change.”

The intention of imperfect and whole is to support you in liberating yourself from within. I&W is a community which celebrates the full spectrum human - dull, shiny, big, and small. Imperfect and whole is a movement of radical authenticity and self acceptance. Educating and inspiring how to notice shame and perfectionism, make friends with all parts of self, embrace one’s authentic expression, relate to others through transparency, and discover confidence and content within imperfection.

The Mission:

To be imperfect and whole is to be okay with and discover freedom and solace with who you are in any moment- no matter how flawed.

“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embracing who we are”

- Brene Brown

I am not here to guide you how to manage your finances

Or master the most positive mindset

I am not here to support you in becoming the most effective optimal productive human you know

Or how to radiate in your sensual bliss body consistently


None of these are my forte.

My deepest desire is to support you with befriending ALL parts of yourself consistently.

How to be okay with not achieving your expected goals.

How to be okay with not feeling like you are living to your highest potential at times.

How to be let in the crabbiness, irritation, and dullness.

How to be unapologetic in your sparkly, empowered, erotic, and confident expression.

How to befriend dark night of the soul seasons where you feel little to no passion.

How to embody wholeness within confusion, seeming brokenness, and disorientation.

How to find rich fulfillment within a beautiful ‘ordinary’ life.

My desire is for you to be okay with yourself.

However you are.

Wherever you are.

To accept the part of yourself who can’t accept you are enough as you are in this moment.

To accept the part who doesn’t want to love the imperfections or let go of the expectations.

My desire is for you cultivate shame resilience.

Through being okay with all of you.

Even the lack of acceptance.

What if instead of longing for ‘happiness’ or ‘perfection’ You longed to feel whole?

Without expectation around how you ‘should’ feel or show up?

Would you feel greater peace and content with your experience?

Would you release pressure and incessant self-judgment?

Internal liberation. Peace. Beauty. Serenity. Content. Purpose. Wholeness. Ease. Confidence.