Shame Alchemy


I support my 1:1 clients to uncover shame based unconscious childhood dynamics playing themselves out in daily life which create much internal pain and self sabotaging behavior. I help illuminate patterns through intuitive space holding and then meet my clients with somatic practices which help release (or befriend) pent up suppressed energy. I integrate parts work, shame education, meditative practices, and inner child healing to become more intimate with their internal landscape. Within my sessions I support my clients discern between shame, inner child wounding, and the adult self- which then fine tunes awareness to witness how shame shows up in daily life and inspires greater shame resilience. I weave in coaching and inspired action steps through the session to invoke continuous integration and embodiment from what comes alive within our session.⁣

Three Month

From Shame to Sovereignty

trauma informed coaching container

Do you struggle with:

-Extreme states of self aversion

-Inability to accept shadows or certain parts of self

-Consistent states of nervous system dysregulation

-Social anxiety

-Self sabotaging behavior

-Addictive behaviors or unhealthy coping strategies

-Raging inner critic

-Fear to set boundaries which results in anxiety

-Lack of confidence

-Physical and mental disorganization

Soul Power:

-Ability to communicate needs + boundaries

-Strengthen the center of Self- capacity to hold the many parts with dual awareness

-Reclaim deservingness for sacred sisterhood, divine partnership, community, dharmic work (live the life of your dreams) and the ability to create this for yourself

-Embody unwavering power, wholeness, and confidence regardless of what expression you show up with

-Communicate authentically and from the heart space

-Confidence in your ability to regulate your nervous system and embody greater resilience from very challenging states of being

-Feel proud of yourself : see your strengths more clearly

-Becoming intimate with shame

-Radical acceptance practice

-Healthy coping tools

-Nervous system regulation skill development

-Parts work

-Shadow work

-Inner child healing

-Feminine Embodiment (pussy and womb rituals)

-Foundation of wellness

-Emotional release techniques

-Authentically relating skills

-Morning and evening grounding ritual

-Embodiment practices

The Medicine:

Part 1 :

Creating an external holding environment

-sacred structure

-ritual devotion

-mindfully mapping out week


This season of the container is about creating a firm external holding environment for inner stability. The more stability there is externally, the greater capacity there is to hold the pillar of stability within- which is the core of emotional regulation and integration.

The first two sessions will be devoted to external holding environments. Then we will intuitively feel into how many more sessions are needed to create a stable holding environment.

Part 2:

Nervous System Healing

-parts work : inner child healing

-somatic exploration, excavation, and re-imprinting

-archetypal embodiment

-radical self love integration

After the first two sessions, every session will begin with a 10-15 minute drop in around what is most alive in relationship to your intention or north star. Then, we will drop into the body and go deep into nervous system exploration and re-wiring.

Part 3 :

Alchemy practices to awaken authentic power

-bhakti devotional practices

-pussy + womb rituals

-radical self love + acceptance rituals

-authentic relating + communication

-unwavering power role playing


-guided meditations and somatic practices

-journaling reflections

-action steps for integration

-recourse sharing

Pricing and Logistics

Meeting :

Zoom or In- Person


2 calls per month- every other week

3 month container $1600 ($533 per month or $500 deposit and $366 per month)

support on Telegram +guided somatic practices, meditations, and journaling reflections + personalized recourses

Text Support : Questions answered, integration ‘work’ offered, and crisis moments support. I respond within three days. If there is a crisis moment, I will get back that day.

Client Experience:

"Mallory is devotion incarnate. Being held in her sweet field, loving energy, and authentic expression supported me in opening my heart to my own life. Her intuitive guidance and knack for identifying patterns and desires through deep listening were skills that helped me move towards alignment with my highest purpose. She is committed to her clients, and each time we met I felt her radiance pour forth. I am so grateful for her personalized support, and I recommend working with her if you want to live your life with deeper passion, tenderness, and abundance!"

- Emily

Shame Alchemy Workshop

A workshop to support greater awareness with the experience of shame, how to work with freeze response in the nervous system, embody radical self love, and reach out to the mystical dimension for shame resiliency.


Sliding scale $11-33


March 6 - 5:30-7 p.m. MT

ONLINE through zoom!

Client Experience

“ I became a client of Mallory through her life coaching/mentor program. I trusted her with my emotions, stories, and goals for the future. She put things into perspective for me and had me see life in a new light. Her coaching truly changed my life. Because of her guidance, I found the strength to release a relationship that was no longer serving me, and move forward towards my goals and dreams.”



Client Experience:

Before working with Mallory my life was like being lost in a dessert. I knew where I was, I could feel the sand and the heat, but I didn’t know how to survive. Now I feel like I have a map. I have tools, wisdom, and guidance how to handle what life brings to me. In my day to day- I find myself integrating the practices everyday. I am a new women because of Mallory’s help. She guided me to find my inner power. Mallory helped me embody my authentic self. The resources and guidance were like an angel coming to me and comforting me every step of the way. I am a stronger women today.”


Imperfect and Whole in person Gatherings:

A sacred space for women identified humans to celebrate the messy imperfect experience of being human and liberate shame through authenticity

So often humans suffer in secrecy. There are many parts you may reject and messy situations which may feel like a burden to cast upon others. Yet, something which connects humans intimately is sharing around one’s imperfect existence- remembering you are not alone within internal chaos! There is much liberation within relatability. Greater acceptance may be accessible through hearing another’s story. Shame lessens its charge when the parts typically hidden are brought to surface courageously. This gathering is all about discovering solace, confidence, and compassion within your authentic expression. Imperfect and Whole gatherings are a space to celebrate the FULL spectrum experience of being human. It is a space to feel met, held, and supported with community. These gatherings serve as medicine to be witnessed in your glorious wholeness- no matter what part or emotion is present. In this gathering we will share in community, drop into 1:1 authentic connection, and experience embodied coping tools to meet any discomfort. The core intention is to liberate deep rooted shame around imperfections.

Boulder Colorado
Tuesdays 7-9 p.m. MT

“Stop trying to heal yourself, fix yourself, even awaken yourself. Let go of letting go. Stop trying to fast-forward the movie of your life, chasing futures that never seem to arrive. Instead, bow deeply to yourself as you actually are. Your pain, your sorrow, your doubts, your deepest longings, your fearful thoughts are not mistakes, and they aren’t asking to be healed. They are asking to beheld. Here, now, lightly, in the loving arms of present awareness.”

- Jeff Foster