Integration Coaching

What is integration?

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Integration is a transpersonal process-when the system recallibrates to the original state of oneness, or wholeness. It is a sort of settling into Self. A grounded force of nature which harmonizes the twirling dynamic matter into a state of coherence. Ultimately, it is the art and science of transformation. In the dictionary explains integration as “an act or instance of combining into an integral whole”. It can be perceived as the embodied expression of healing.

What is Integration Coaching?

Working with a trauma informed coach is a potent tool and recourse to support integration after a psychedelic journey. Medicine work typically accelerates neurobiological transformation. It can be supportive to have a guide after the journey to unpack what unfolded, hold space for any trauma revealed, nurture the somatic imprints of expanded states of consciousness, and inspire daily coping mechanisms and tools to feed the heart of the journey. Integration is an embodied process which unfolds in alignment with life’s natural intelligence. You can’t rush the process of transformation, but you can receive support which allows greater awareness and intention around how to meet the delicacies of the psyche. Coaching allows sustainable growth and illumination around how to treat every day as the ceremony or medicine journey itself. Through coaching, the psychedelic medicine journey becomes infused into every day existence.

Why is this supportive?

After a psychedelic journey, do you often find yourself questioning if you are embodying any of the downloads you experienced? Do you feel challenged in integrating the tools and practices which allow sincere transformation?

Fifty percent of medicine work is about integration. Massive downloads and shifts can occur during a psychedelic journey, but so much of the sustainable benefits happens through the magic of daily intentional efforts. This is in no means to rush the process of integration, the process holds a divine intelligence, yet it is working with. Coaching provides a holding container of accountability. This supports a more firm internal holding container to regulate emotions and experiences within the psyche.  If you are questioning if this would be supportive for you, I invite you to tune into how deep the desire is for prolonged transformation within your nervous system?

Do you wish to 

  • Embody expanded states of consciousness- such radical self love, acceptance, and safety within more regularly?

  • Meet the nuanced challenging layers of psyche and life with greater skill?

  • Increase your window of tolerance?

  • Embody healthy coping mechanisms and emotional regulation?

  • Experience more intimate connection with others and life itself?

  • Embody faith, trust, and surrender?

  • Live everyday life as a medicine journey or ceremony?

  • Stay committed to rituals and practices which stabilize your system?

If all of these are a yes, then coaching would be incredibly beneficial.

Coaching is all about how to optimize your human potential and transform your system- while invoking greater receptivity to beauty, inner peace, love, and soul satisfaction.


Single Session:

During the single sessions there will be space held to unpack a medicine journey or what is most alive in your process. The first single session is about creating safety. We will drop into a talk therapeutic setting, somatic practice, and motivational coaching to support shifts with the ways in which you meet yourself and life. These sessions are helpful for clarity and inspiration. I offer only 1 single session per client every two months - I highly encourage the three month of six month containers for sustainable growth.

Three or Six Month Container:

Coaching containers consist of 3 sessions per month with one week off for integration week. The essence of the containers are sustainable growth. So often humans desire rapid transformation. These containers support optimal growth, without rushing the process. They hold you with firm accountability, direction, and inspiration so you can embody the transformation you are longing for over a prolonged period of time. The containers are for humans who are determined and ready to go all into their healing process and optimize their highest potential. If there is continuous medicine work during the three or six month containers, there will be sessions offered shortly after the journey to keep supporting the integration process. These sessions are great for profound neurobiological transformation and sustainable growth.

If you are curious what the difference between the three month or six month container is, the six month container holds you with even greater sustainability and relaxation within a radical growth process.

Shame Alchemy + Soul Power Coaching Container

My specific focus within the coaching container is to support you with integrating toxic shame alchemy through somatic archetypal expanded states of consciousness, parts work (developmental trauma integration), embodying your soul power, and stepping more fully into the life you desire to create and exist within.


Energy Preparation- call one week before medicine work

Integration call(s)- one week after journey

Text support in between calls

20% off medicine

Exchange: $450


Container Details:

Coaching sessions are held online through zoom.

There are 2 calls per month - every other week

Recourses and embodiment practices will be shared for integration between calls.

Communication between calls is held through Telegram. In the text support questions are answered, integration ‘work’ is offered, and crisis moments are supported. I always respond within three days. If there is a crisis moment and you let me know , I will make sure to get back that to you that same day.

3 month container $1600 ($533 per month or $500 deposit and $366 per month)

About Mallory:

Mallory is a woman devoted to nervous system healing and supporting humans reclaim and embody the energetic qualities of their inner Divine.  From her preteens until early twenties Mallory struggled with alcoholism, addiction, eating disorders, and extreme mental health conditions. In 2014 she began her healing journey through her recovery path, awakened and inspired through mushrooms. Ever since, the path of holistic healing and soul medicine has been everything to her. She knows if she was able to recover from extreme chronic nervous system dysreguation- everything and everything is possible in the realm of healing. Mallory is trained in 200 and 300 YTT yoga, Beautiful You Life IFC coaching, Naropa Undergrad degree in psychology and religious studies, currently training in the graduate mindfulness based transpersonal therapy program at Naropa University, and currently training in VITA (tantric)love sex intimacy coaching. Her brand and website is called imperfectandwhole which inspires and supports beings to reclaim their primal power (radical self love and acceptance) so they can rise from overwhelming states of shame hiijak within the system and experience inner liberation.