Hello there beautiful human,

I feel honored to share some of my raw, messy, and resilient story with you.

From the time I was a little girl I struggled with chronic shame. I never felt good enough and constantly compared myself to all the girls around me. The story I told myself from 1st grade on was ‘I suck at everything’. I saw myself as fundamentally defective and fantasized about being in other’s skin. I constantly would imagine how amazing life would be if I wasn’t me.

In middle school I searched for an identity to cling onto and I discovered the ‘bad bitch’. I started drinking, using drugs, stealing, sneaking out of the house, and became highly sexual. I started receiving alot of attention. Being infamous for being the ‘bad girl’ gave me an illusory sense of worth and power.

By high school I knew I was an alcoholic-yet there was no stopping me because  I felt worthless without the party girl identity. Inside, I was dying with shame and the fear that everyone hated me. I continued to drink, drink, and drug to cover it up and act as if nothing bothered me.

By 18, I was working in the strip club and spending all my time in night clubs.  I was a full blown alcoholic- drinking up to 30 + drinks almost every night. I tried committing suicide several times because I hated myself. I couldn’t stand the social anxiety and awkwardness I felt in my body. The only time I felt a sense of peace, calm, and confidence within myself was when I was highly intoxicated. I would drink to the point of black out so I didn’t have to face my self.

By age 24 I could no longer handle the chronic shame (extreme self hatred)  anymore. I cried to something for help. The book, The Secret, serendipitously showed up in my life and slowly things began to transform as I discovered my path of healing.

I officially got sober from alcohol on May 9 2015. I devoted my entire life to healing and devotion to my higher power, which I call God. I realized my greatest passion was helping other humans heal from hopeless states of being, befriend themselves, and discover their most confident and unapologetic authentic self.

Devotion, embracing authenticity, relating through transparency, inner child healing, embodiment,  and understanding shame intimately are the foundations which have supported me on my shame healing and reclaiming wholeness journey. Shame still visits, it is necessary to accept that it is a primary human emotion which will ebb and flow.  My goal isn’t to be ‘shame-free’ or ‘shame-less’ but to be shame resilient, experiencing a quicker come back rate when shame knocks at the door.

I have found loosening the expectation around how I ‘should show up’ to feel good about myself, and instead embracing the authentic expression presenting itself in the moment, to be one of the most effective means to liberate shame and feel at ease within myself.

My greatest passion is supporting humans to liberate shame and discover the beautiful being they are- no matter how imperfect. There is nothing more fulfilling than witnessing another make peace with parts they have hated and rejected their entire life.

I am here to support your process of uncovering wholeness within all of your flaws and embracing the full spectrum of your humanity. I am celebrating you in the process of discovering internal freedom- no longer resisting who you are in any moment. I am here to help you embody confidence within your authentic expression.


I graduated from the Buddhist inspired, Naropa University, with a BA in religious studies, contemplative psychology, and women studies. I am currently enrolled in Naropa's graduate program for mindfulness based transpersonal therapy. I I have been teaching yoga/meditation for six years and coaching for four. I am a ICF certified coach through Beautiful You Coaching Academy based in Australia. I attended a 200 YTT Hatha yoga teacher training in Rishikesh India and became a meditation instructor through a 300 YTT subtle body school in Bali.I also teach a donation based class called Yoga for 12 Steps Recovery. I am a published writer in Elephants Journal and Inspired Coaching Magazine.

The goal isn’t to be “free” from but shame, but to discover freedom within it- therefore activating greater shame resilience and embodied wholeness.